Casambi DALI Gateway wins the top prize at the [d]arc awards in the KIT Technology category

The [d]arc awards, a collaborative award ceremony between arc and darc magazines, and creative consultants Light Collective, is an internationally renowned event that looks to recognize excellence in lighting design and technology. The ceremony is traditionally a physical event but was converted into a virtual event for this time around.
The categories are shortlisted by an international jury of independent architectural lighting designers, from which lighting design practices, architects and interior designers vote for the winner. Award categories include for structures, places, spaces, events (and all with sub categories), and the KIT Technology award – criteria being any light sources and gear; control and power systems; and Internet-based systems where a luminaire is not part of the product offering.
The Casambi DALI gateway, a device that allows full wireless DALI installations or the extension of existing DALI installations with wireless segments, ultimately won the prize from a list of very high-quality fellow entrants, for whom Casambi CEO Kari Mettälä was keen to praise in his acceptance speech.