Casambi Training Centre

Enhance your knowledge!

The Casambi ecosystem and solutions are transforming the lighting marketplace. Our courses will increase your solution knowledge, and our certification assessments are designed for existing Casambi experts desiring to gain recognition of their capabilities.

Our comprehensive on-demand self-study online courses are accessible anytime and offered with exclusive complimentary access.

Casambi online training


Our on-demand educational material introduces Casambi to luminaire & controls manufacturers, specifiers, consultants, installers, and others interested to explore the world of professional wireless lighting solutions. Learn about our native hardware, and the primary features available from the original Casambi app and Casambi Pro software.

The Casambi Solution provides an overview of Casambi’s native hardware, the original Casambi app capabilities, and advice to aid with integration and project commissioning.

Casambi Advanced builds on “The Casambi Solution” course by providing additional insights into some of the more advanced functionality available.

Casambi Pro overview introduces the features and functions available from our new off-site pre-configuration & on-site commissioning software specifically designed for larger projects with repetitive functionality.

To gain exclusive access to the courses, follow the above links (orange text). You can then find the full list of training modules from the menu on the left of your screen, or from “COURSE INFO” in the top left (depending on your browser view). Study topics in any order and as often as you wish. Material is only available in English.

Casambi online training

IN-PERSON Training

Enhanced Training

This training course is held at one of our offices (see specific course dates below for location & duration). Participants receive an introduction to Casambi’s own native products and instruction on the standard possibilities of the original Casambi app, starting from basics and progressing to the more complex functionality. The course includes multiple demonstrations, time for practical network programming, and discussion opportunities with Casambi and other attendees. An overview of the course topics can be seen from this link.

You can enrol to attend an Enhanced course from the table below.


Custom Training

Casambi can provide customised, added value training upon prior agreement. More information can be found here.

Casambi online training


Please note that these are not training courses!


3C Assessment (online)

“Casambi Configuration Capability” (3C) is an online test that aims to validate sufficient understanding of commonly requested wireless network configurations using Casambi’s native hardware and the original Casambi app. The test comprises a questionnaire and a programming exercise and is completed autonomously. View a summary of what 3C involves from this link. Successful participants will receive a certificate of recognition valid for 12-months.


4C Assessment (in-person)

“Casambi Commissioning Competence Certification (4C)” is a 2-day in-person assessment where we test and evaluate your Casambi knowledge and ability to interpret customer specifications into correct functionality. Some theory is included, but most of the test comprises programming tasks, a larger multi-network commissioning exercise (taking between 3-6 hours), and a written test. Extensive experience with all aspects and functionality available from the Casambi app is essential. View a summary of what we assess from this link. Successful individuals are promoted on our website as Certified Commissioning Partners. Certification is personal, valid for 24-months, and automatically renewed following the successful completion of a bi-annual online follow-up.

Both assessments are available as a no-cost additional service. 3C is an online test. 4C is held face-to-face at our facilities in either Espoo Finland, Singapore, or Atlanta USA.

You can request to be enrolled for a 3C or 4C assessment from the table below.


Courses requiring enrolment

Below you can find the schedule for our in-person training (Enhanced) and certification tests (3C or 4C). If interested, please “Request enrolment”.

PLEASE NOTE THAT 3C & 4C ARE ONLY TESTS. NO TRAINING IS INVOLVED!  ** If you are seeking online training please check the orange text links above in the ON-DEMAND tab. **

Please do not make any travel arrangements for the Enhanced course or 4C assessment until after we confirm the official agenda and timetable to you via email.

Our Partners (details below the course enrolment table) also offer Casambi training services.

2025-02-25 4C Assessment (Singapore): A test, NOT TRAINING! 2-days 2 seats left
2025-03-04 4C Assessment (Singapore): A test, NOT TRAINING! 2-days 2 seats left
2025-03-10 3C Assessment (online): A test, NOT TRAINING! From 10-16 Mar. 8 seats left
2025-03-18 4C Assessment (Singapore): A test, NOT TRAINING! 2-days 2 seats left
2025-03-25 4C Assessment (Finland): A test, NOT TRAINING! 2-days 4 seats left
2025-04-08 Enhanced Training (Finland) 3-days 3 seats left
2025-04-14 3C Assessment (online): A test, NOT TRAINING! From 14-20 Apr. 12 seats left
2025-05-20 4C Assessment (Finland): A test, NOT TRAINING! 2-days 2 seats left

Training & Certification Partners

The companies below can offer official Casambi Training &/or 4C assessments in local language & run by Casambi 4C certified trainers. Please contact the partner for more information.

AUSTRIA: Exceedation (

AUSTRALIA: Afterglow Controls (

AUSTRALIA: Holders Technology (

AUSTRIA & SWITZERLAND: Holders Technology (

BELGIUM: Project Nekton (

DUBAI (UAE): smplr solutions (


FINLAND: Voltti Oy (

GERMANY: Arditi GmbH (

GERMANY: RP-Technik GmbH (

GREECE: Bright Special Lighting (

HUNGARY: Elcon Electronic Kft. (


ITALY: Digimax SRL (

NEW ZEALAND: Holders Technology (

POLAND: Lightworks (

SINGAPORE: iillumx Pte. Ltd (

SPAIN: Electrónica Olfer (

SWEDEN: Vadsbo LightTech AB (


UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND: Genco Tech Limited (

UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND: Holders Technology (