Casambi welcomes to a project visit of the Royal Academy of Arts, London

Project Visit Royal Academy of Arts, London

Time: Friday 20th of September
Meeting at the main entrance of the Royal Academy of Arts 8:20am.

8:30 am – 9:15 am
Tour of Helene Schjerfbeck in the Gabrielle Jungels Winkler Galleries

9.15 am – 11:15am
General Assembly Room, Fine Rooms with presentations by:
Pavlina Akritas, Associate Lighting Designer, Arup
Lighting design concept of the Royal Academy of Arts
Giorgio Pierini, Design Liaison Manager, iGuzzini
Lighting technology for the Royal Academy of Arts
Stephen Jackson, Business Manager, Casambi
What Casambi offered uniquely for the museum

Free of charge.

Limited amount of places. Please register now!