Elli Tallgren
TET internship

In Finland, during the school semester, eighth and ninth graders do an “Introduction to working life” (TET, työelämään tutustumisjakso) internship at a selected workplace of their choice. Casambi recently had the pleasure of hosting Elli Tallgren.
Elli tells more:
When choosing where to do my TET internship, I was originally aiming for supermarket or maybe restaurant work. I hadn’t previously thought about something in R&D (or Casambi, for that matter), but I somehow “accidentally” found myself here.
I was surprised that there are so many work possibilities in R&D. From day one, I had some great, varied tasks such as testing and analyzing Casambi’s mobile software solutions (both current versions and prototypes) for the future. I also got to interview the people at Casambi about their role in the company.
While I really valued all of the tasks assigned to me, learning about how the software works was a definite highlight, and I got to test the software and see how it works and is used. For example, I used the software to create a nice-looking animation on an LED board! I also had a look at the Casambi website and made a list of improvement suggestions and ideas, which I then wrote about in a report.
It’s been fun to be at Casambi, and everyone has been very welcoming. The TET internship has given me a great understanding of what it is like to work in an office and gave me some ideas for what work I might want to do later. Casambi is a very international company, so it was great to practice my English here as well.
A final note from Elli’s supervisor:
The week proved to be quite a pleasant and useful experience for our team as Elli was a fast learner, self-guided in her duties, and very proactive when help was needed. We hope all the best for her future studies!