Casambi Pro now includes daylight functionality

Casambi Pro introduces new daylight functionality for enhanced lighting control. 

Casambi Pro is all about simplifying lighting control design and commissioning, empowering you to plan, test, and configure large projects virtually and collaboratively, ensuring seamless execution onsite. This month, we have introduced new functionality in the latest release of Casambi Pro to further contribute to simplifying the setup and management of smart lighting control systems. 

Daylight functionality 

Now, you can integrate daylight sensors into your Casambi Pro project. Daylight control in Casambi Pro enables dynamic adjustment of dimming levels based on the amount of natural light available. The system utilizes lux sensors to measure ambient light and automatically adjusts scene lighting levels accordingly. 

It’s easy to set up. 

In the planning phase, within Casambi Pro for Windows, simply select your dimming method (there are two options: either dim value or daylight control). One daylight sensor is selectable per scene, after which you can set your minimum and maximum dimming levels. Voila! 

Furthermore, the target lux level can be set onsite via Casambi Pro for iPad when both the lux sensor and luminaires are present. The adjustment view in iOS displays real-time sensor and luminaire statuses, facilitating precise adjustments. The levels are visually represented for easy monitoring, allowing you to adjust dimming levels within scenes and then save settings for future use. 

“Casambi Pro is constantly evolving. Our focus is on enhancing the user experience and developing features that directly address user feedback. From our new daylight functionality to Cloud Gateway support or the latest sharing feature facilitating real-time collaboration, our aim is clear; to make Casambi Pro the ultimate tool for large lighting control projects” said Tarja Hakala,  

For more info, check out our Casambi Pro pages