Leica Store & Gallery
The new Leica Store & Gallery in Munich presents pure passion for photography across more than 250m2 of floorspace. Opened in 2022, the space boasts natural surfaces made of sustainable wood in warm tones to create a calm, restrained atmosphere in the rooms. A mixture of shop and art gallery, both the sales areas and showrooms are ideally staged with Eclipse spotlights from ERCO and a Casambi lighting control solution.
Photography equipment presented in the right light
Professional cameras, lenses, high-quality camera bags or illustrated books – in the front area of the store, visitors can browse through the world of Leica. The variety of products is highlighted on presentation walls and tables by Eclipse spotlights with oval and oval wide flood light distribution in 3000K. Partially equipped with barn doors, they ensure maximum visual comfort and a pleasant stay.
Photographic art on display
The rear area is dedicated to the artistic results of photography: exhibited photographic art lends the store a gallery character. Here, Mick Jagger and the Queen share the attention of interested visitors – as in the “Exposed” exhibition by musician Bryan Adams, which shows intimate and eccentric portraits of celebrities. Eclipse wallwashers and spotlights with wide flood light distribution in 4000K ideally illuminate the portraits and walls. The exhibitions in the Leica Store & Gallery change, and the rooms are also used for events during vernissages.
Possibility to create new looks
The lighting must be adaptable to changing exhibition concepts. Mounted on tracks, the Eclipse spotlights can be flexibly repositioned and aligned. Thanks to the luminaire’s modular design, lenses for different light distributions can be changed quickly. Thanks to Casambi wireless control, the light is easily controlled via the app: luminaires can be individually switched and dimmed, and light scenes are quickly set up. In the shop window area especially, it is possible to create new looks time and again by rechoreographing the lighting scenes. As a result, camera lovers, hobby photographers and fans of exciting photographic art will get their money’s worth in the Leica Store & Gallery Munich.
Leica Store & Gallery
Munich, Germany
Leica Store | Gallery Munich Maffeistrasse, © Oliver Jaist
“Exposed” by Bryan Adams

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